Clipboard Recorder is a clipboard manager/productivity tool. It is a tool that starts recording the system's clipboard so that every piece of data that gets sent there remains easily accessible to you, even after you have pasted something. Clipboard Recorder uses a small window as a base of operations. Every time you copy something you will see it added to a list of previous snippets. In that little window, there is also a search button that takes you to a text field where you can search for words. If any of the snippets of text that you have copied contain that word, they'll show up there and you can easily paste them. Clipboard Recorder also allows you to copy several bitmap images, HTML code, and pretty much everything you can copy. You can also filter out certain content. When pasting, you can use a special hotkey to call for a list of the contents of the clipboard on a floating window. Then you can simply scroll down to select your choice and paste it by hitting the "Enter" key. I like the fact that Clipboard manager offers a portable version that you can take with you at all times. It requires no installation. If you have any privacy concerns, you can also delete copied items individually or you can clean the entire list.